Relative Value Dentist `26 DFile
Relative Values for Dentists Data File is a relative value system established by national surveys of physicians and dentists conducted by Relative Value Studies, Inc. With this tool you can establish, defend, and negotiate fees for dental procedures billed with CDT or CPT® codes.
CPT® is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.
CDT © American Dental Association.
CPT® is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.
CDT © American Dental Association.
- Relative values are based on the actual clinical work performed. Feel confident and assured of a neutral relative value scale.
- Conversion factor benchmarks for CPT® codes. An additional tool to help you start or update a relative value-based fee schedule.
- Relative value scale is based on physician and dentist survey data. Rely on a resource free from government budgetary influence.
- Access RVUs from one resource based on services that are similar. Values for CPT® and CDT codes are included to help determine fees for the dental services you perform.
- Easy, step-by-step instructions for practice management. Set your fees, analyze capitation contracts, and perform cost, profitability, and productivity analyses.
CPT® is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.
CDT © American Dental Association.